JobnJoin Pricing

Job Post Plans


₹ 1,000
  • Response 50/Post
  • 2 Job Post
  • Subscription Validity 2 months
  • We forward your Postsupto 8000 JobSeekers
  • Access CVs/Phone/Email of JobSeekers
  • Response from Registered /Unregistered Users
  • Job Description length Unlimited
  • Share Messages with Candidate
  • Can Upgrade to Other Plan

₹ 1,000

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₹ 2,500
  • Response Unlimited
  • Unlimited Job Posting for 3 Months
  • Subscription Validity 6 months
  • We forward your Postsupto 10,000+ JobSeekers
  • Access CVs/Phone/Email of JobSeekers
  • Response from Registered /Unregistered
  • Job Description length Unlimited
  • Share Messages with Candidate
  • Conduct Online Interview

₹ 2,500

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₹ 4,000
  • Response Unlimited
  • Unlimited Job Post for 6 Months
  • Subscription Validity 6 months
  • We forward your Postsupto 15,000+ JobSeekers
  • Access CVs/Phone/Email of JobSeekers
  • Response from Registered /Unregistered
  • Job Description length Unlimited
  • Share Messages with Candidate
  • Conduct Online Interview

₹ 4,000

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